Dream: Way Station/Force field with characters from several shows I am binge-watching

I am standing near the information booth in a huge train station with a high vaulted ceiling: a vast, wide open space, encircled by passageways. Criss-crossing the open space, people emerge, cross the opeand entering other passages.A 'friend' crosses the open space toward one of the passages. But instead of walking down the passage, she opens a little hidden door and slips inside. (The friend is that new woman on Orange is the New Black, the Aussie who tattooed "Trust No Bitch" on Piper's arm.)

I follow her. I start moving behind all the passageways. Looking behind things. Suddenly, I pop out in the middle of the parking lot.It's night but the street lights are fierce - like a movie set, lit for daylight - and I wince, shielding my eyes from the glare. Just then, a woman pushes past, bumping me from behind. She is carrying a wooden podium and wearing high heels and a cherry-red latex dress which does not fit her. It is open in the back, revealing her undergarments.I pop back inside the station.A show is about to start in the middle of the big room. I am sitting on the floor waiting with another 'friend'. This 'friend' is the actor who plays Hardison on the TV show "Leverage": he is a beautiful black man, a computer hacker. I really like him.So anyway, we are sitting there waiting - watching the actors set things up behind the curtain - when I suddenly realize that my hands are stuck together.What the... ?My fingers are interlaced and I can't pull them apart. OMG! I pull and pull and Hardison tries to help but it feels as if a strong magnetic force - like a spell - is holding them together. The knuckles feel swollen and painful.Finally, with enormous effort, I manage to pull my hands apart but I can't hold it for long. Exhausted, I let them fall back together until I catch my breath, and then I pull them apart again for as long as I can. I do this over and over.The show starts. My attention is drawn to the stage, where Piper is singing. Weird, I think. Piper. Singing.And suddenly, the forcefield releases my hands. They're  mine again.

It chooses you


You will find what you are looking for