Amy Oscar

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A story of fragmentation, separation, and woe. A story of wholeness, love and joy.

Sometimes, I seem to be in a story of fragmentation, separation, and woe. Yet, even then, I can sense my heart calling me toward a different story - a story of wholeness, love, and joy.These two stories I am in - at the same time - may seem to be in opposition to each other. It may seem that I am supposed to choose one or the other. Yet, even as they pull - this way and the other way - I sense that both of these stories are important - and a part of the path of my unfolding.The story of falling apart.The story of coming back together.The story of breaking into pieces and scattering- all jagged edges and shattered mirror.The story of reunion- a pool of stillness, a single pane of glass.For now, this conversation I am having with myself and with the world is the most important thing that I do.For now, this conversation is the path.