All bridges lead to love
This morning, I was given this to share. For the first time, after receiving a message, I 'read' it out to my husband, who was there in the room beside me. He said that he'd been watching me - as the message came in. He said that I was lying beside him, nodding as if listening to a dream. I was delighted to hear this. It makes the whole thing more real for me.It seems important to tell you that these downloads come often, almost every morning and that I have been shy about sharing them. For some reason, since last week, something has changed. This one arrived as I woke from sleep - most of them do - they arrive as extensions of conversation that I am having with my teacher. A non-physical presence who explains the world to me. My sense is that this teacher has always been with me - I can remember that, as a child - and later, as a NYC working girl - I understood things. Patterns and stories, software and architecture, relationships and other structures of human life.I seemed to be having a kind of inner conversation - I would ask and feel and sense into a question in the inner space of awareness which I now call "the bright room' and answers would meet me there, forming as imagery or words or downloads of knowing. This morning these words arrived as my dream faded.As I became more conscious, I seemed to be having a conversation with my teacher about divination cards.
Divination cards - and tea leaves and all other methods that you use to attune to the flow of wisdom - are bridges - out-picturings of what you already know, what you have already seen. The angels, too, are bridges. Beings of light co-created by you and God, so that you and God can be in relationship - in conversation. All relationships are bridges. It['s not that other people are not real. That would be the height of absurdity - and solipsism. The angels, too, are not merely there for your convenience. They are real living beings - celestial beings with their own purposes - yet they are also bridges to God. In this way all relationships are bridges. Love itself is a bridge to God. And it seems important to say that each type I write or type the word 'God' I hear an echo of other words under and around it. As if the word 'God' is a hologram, containing much more than a word or an idea. the echoes sing and speak of wide bright energy - of love itself. So when I write the word 'God', each letter creates echoes like ripples in the world around it. There are colors and sound tones and lights - yet the thing that echoes most strongly is the phrase: divine love. Therefore, one could say 'God' or one could say 'divine love' - these terms are interchangeable labels for the same thing and neither is complete - neither of these terms IS the thing itself. Each of these terms is a bridge to God. All of it, all of the things that you see and touch and interact with - all that you relate to - is a bridge to God. All creation, a bridge - an out picturing of the God/divine love within. though, is God. As you are God - and not separate. The bridges lead to God because you think you are separate from God. These bridges lead to God - for all roads lead to God. God, even God, is a bridge to divine love. As I typed the period after the last word of the message, I heard the sound of a bell. This too seems important to tell you.