Amy Oscar

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The dream about being cut off from power

In the dream I am helping a young woman. She tells me that her 'powers' have been cut off."They don't cut off," I say."Mine are," she says."She has energy anorexia," my dream supervisor tells me. He says that I must offer to exercise with her during the time of day when she most often falters.I can see that this client would be better served in the afternoon but I am already taking another client to breakfast so I take her along, too.I tell her the power flows along threads. She has dropped hers. All she has to do is pick it up."I can't find it," she says."It's right here," I say, handing it to her."It's broken," she says."They don't break," I say."Mine did." she says.Later, when I call the power company to check on my client's case, I'm told that her powers ARE off - but they are not SHUT off."She just doesn't use them," the woman on the phone tells me. "But they are not TURNED off. All she has to do is use them and the power will flow again."And there you go.

This was an actual dream that I had - but of course, it was also a conversation with my dream teachers, the Guides. There is much wisdom here, a symbolic representation of the way many people live: cut off from their own power, refusing to pick up the thread of connection. Even though, as "the woman on the phone" teaches (emphatically) her powers are not turned off.  "All she has to do is use them and the power will flow again."