Amy Oscar

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I give up pretending.

Yesterday, not knowing Lent was just around the corner (and being mostly Jewish) I found myself giving up.In a good way.Suddenly, organically, I seem to have given up the single most destructive and long-standing pattern of my life:Pretending.Somewhere between the end of last year and today, I seem to have stopped - without fanfare or a whole lot of angst -pretending to be okay when I'm not okay,pretending to be perfect when... OMG! I am so not.pretending to be better, younger, thinner, smarter just to fit in or get approval...I just stopped.I also seem to have given up pretending to be LESS than I am. It has always been hard for me to admit to what I know and what I see. But strangely, beautifully - not anymore.It's as if yesterday, supported by the spirit of the season and the ever so faint hint of spring in the air, I simply stepped to the left of where I was standing before - directly into who I already was, but couldn't (until now) fully occupy.I have a feeling this shift is happening in your life, too. It's part of wave of change, awakening and self-actualization that's literally sweeping the world.For my part, I offer an awestruck, and very real thank you. To you, for your part in my unfolding, and to the forces that are supporting and guiding this shift toward wholeness for us all.