Amy Oscar

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Give us your gift

Give Us Your GiftRemember when you knew how great you were? When you captained the pirate ship of the back yard. When you flew on your bicycle. When you saved the lives of every stuffed animal in the house

  • belting out arias to the trees and sky
  • twirling from the kitchen to the dining room
  • leaning against a sheltering tree, picking out tunes on a new guitar... or an old guitar
The cell tissue memory is still there.And you can bring it back...

This mini e-book, includes five essays:

- Give us your gift- Putting your canoe back in the current

- You can't buy wholeness - Your problem is a gift. - Come home to yourself $5.00 Add to Cart


You've heard this before: even the worst situations offer new insights - a lost relationship forces you to look your- self in the eye; a nasty hangover makes you re-examine your lifestyle; a lousy boss makes you consider why you got into this racket in the first place.  What you may not know is that these gifts don't come from God - or the devil or that angel with the strange sense of humor: they come from you ...