Amy Oscar

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Healing the heart of a family

Family systems are built of psychic (and sacred) architecture.When one person begins flowing more light through the system, the whole family feels it. As one person heals, the whole family responds - even when they live miles apart; even when no one says a word about it.I have seen such powerful examples of this in my practice.I will be on the phone talking with a client about a family issue when the client's other phone will ring and there, calling out of the blue, is the person we've been talking about. It happens so often I can't even pretend to imagine it's 'just a coincidence.'This is how it is. We are interconnected beings, bound together by powerful heart threads that don't let go of the people we've loved.In my own family, we've experienced this - many times. One of my sisters tells me, "I have been working on this particular issue, this particular struggle lately," and I laugh because, at the same time, I've been working on the exact same thing. Often, we discover that our other sister and/or our mother is working that issue, too.It happened in this story, with my son.It's a system. A weaving together of hearts. It's, you know, a family.Sometimes, this healing hurts. Sometimes, it's hard. When light illuminates scars in the family psyche, inflammation occurs. Here, an opportunity for healing is presenting itself. At this time, it can help to choose toward love.Choosing toward love softens scars. As scars soften, the flow of light (love) can more easily loosen and wash clean old wounds, dissolve scar tissue gently, with much less pain. As one Twitter friend commented, “It’s like debridement of a wound, but with love/light/energy.”

It is.
Love is the most powerful healing force there is.