Amy Oscar

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How might I live this timeless day?

12647331_10206995070128802_6721360351291834337_n-1As I explore this question, I invite you to explore it with me: How might I live today at its fullest?How might I live as if today were the last day, the only day. As if it were all one day.

How might I live today at my most engaged, my brightest?As if this one day contained all the days of my life and all the moments of an entire life, all the petals in a pile.As if I had all the time in one place, right here, with me and in me, right now.How might I live...if this concentration of time, this essence, this constellation, were one flash of insight, one moment flowing flaring into life. One bright core awakening.If all the things that I did,All the things I did not do,All that I will do,All that I won't ever do,Were here now, with me and in me.All of that here, in this one day, an offering. An invitation.How might I meet this timeless day?How might that change me?How might that change the world?