Amy Oscar

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This is a high intensity time

My loves- this is a high intensity time.There are powerful energies streaming toward the planet now and all are affected by them. These energies are not just some woo-woo new age concept - they are actual, measurable waves of energy passing over us (as they pass over the earth) as we pass through a part of the galaxy which we don't often visit.This energy is supportive of change - and that can be challenging. It calls on us physically, emotionally and mentally all at once to come into alignment. As a result, anything in our lives which is OUT OF alignment will feel uncomfortable and the longer it goes unacknowledged, the more inflammation we'll feel.This inflammation may show up as emotion - or even fear - as our addiction to the familiar is challenged--after all we are being called to grow and evolve, and that will require us to change.In general, the discomfort you feel will be a direct result of the resistance you offer. Resistance to what? To shifting your life toward health, wholeness, kindness and love - that's how to 'align', by the way.So there is work to do but it's joyful work - we're learning to let our senses heighten and our hearts open: we're learning to trust the world to support and nourish us. We're learning to trust that the energies which flow to us - and through us - are positive, loving and supportive of our highest good and the good of the planet.We are all learning to align with love.