Amy Oscar

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We are all meant to hold space for love and light

In the East, LightWorkers are known as Boddhisattva and Avalokiteshevara, human beings who incarnate to anchor and radiate light into the world. They do this as a service to the world. They do it because it is who they are.Radiating light, no matter what.These spiritual masters have worked (for many lifetimes) to build the clarity and wisdom that it takes to stay present during any situation and maintain their work. It's not that they don't suffer or feel empathy for the suffering - they do, intensely. It's just that they know that suffering is, ultimately, an illusion, a drama, a dance of light and shadow playing out on the stage of life. It's just that, at the bottom of all things, they see love.Every time I hear about these spiritual masters, I wonder: aren't we are all, every once of us, working toward this? Aren't we all, potentially, Bodhisattva? Aren't we all meant to hold the space for love and for light?