Amy Oscar

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Writing my book backward

10462862_10203902130967256_5692479549075183953_nI arrived at my mother's apartment ready to write. As I stepped through the door, I was greeted by a small black feather, lying on the hardwood floor.I dug right in - thinking I would just start writing my book backward (which was the guidance that I received two days ago).And I am writing backward - but first, I seem to be reliving it backward. Reading through hundreds of pages - torn from journals and scribbled into the margins of books (and then torn out), piles of Post-It Notes, backs of diner placemats and receipts, scraps of sketch pads - is the most illuminating and satisfying kind of journey.

The book is forming inside of me - memory by memory, insight by insight as I stand, another cup of tea warming my hands, listening to my favorite music. What an experience.And writing is looking more like sorting today - wading through piles and piles of notes.  As I come to the end of this book project, I am feeling so connected to it - and feeling as if I must go through and honor every piece of paper I’ve written a note on about this book before I finish this book. #ALotOfPaper