Amy Oscar

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Your happiness is a spiritual experience

Fortune cookiePull out your list of what you want. All of the inner states and outer conditions that you think will make you happy. (Don't have a list? Make one.)For each item, ask yourself: What will I get (or what will I be) when I have this?For example: Say that you want a house. Do you really want the house or the experience that you believe a house will bring? What is that experience?Is there a way to bring that experience into your life in a different way?Ask yourself:How might I create the experience of home and family without owning a house?How might I create the experience of freedom without owning a car?How might I create the experience of joy in my workday without quitting my job?Experiment with bringing the experience into your life right now. Doing this will create, as if by magic, more of that experience.In this way, you discover that your happiness doesn't depend on these things - or on other people. Your happiness is an inner - aka spiritual - experience.