Loves and Beauties

Last month, I signed up for Susannah Conway's absolutely brilliant Unraveling E-Course.Susannah is a beautiful and inspiring teacher and she's been gently coaxing out my secret artist.In the process, I've grabbed the camera that my son abandoned, and found two Polaroids hidden in the vast clutter of my husband's office. Woo hoo!Which leads me to Inspiration Fridays, a new weekly blog feature in which I will share some of the wonderful people and websites and videos that inspire me. Here's the first collection. Please let me know if you like it, or if you have any suggestions for next week! xxoo- - - - -A video that I keep going back to: Say Yes! Andrea Gibson's incredible spoken word poem. (Hold on to your hat - this is fierce!)Mrs. Mediocrity. Anything but mediocre, I have always loved Kelly Letky's beautiful blog. With a photo and a few words, she always inspires.Brilliant. Susan Powers' magnificent new restaurant blog. Shooting the Kitchen, features lush back of the house photos of chefs at work - featuring some of the top restaurants in the world.Talk about fierce! Elizabeth PW unveils her lovely new website.Mindful Spending - As I earn more, I'm becoming more awake/aware of the power of money, and how to apply it - surgically - to 'vote' for the world that I want to live in. Here, Tara Gentile explains why buying locally, and buying from artists is a good thing.This made me laugh (quite a lot): My blackberry is not workingHere's Susannah's "Something for the Weekend" roundup, which inspired my ownAnd here's another list of goodies: Tribe Love from Roots of She curator, Jenn Gibson. (Delighted to discover, when I went to get the link, that my post is mentioned here! Yay!)- - -Questions:My friend Lynn wrote a post about obsolescence. Got me thinking: What did I used to do that I no longer do? What do I miss? I posted my list on her blog. How about you?


Reclaim your planner by infusing each moment with vision and meaning


Truth is hard sometimes (in a good way).