She is rising and I am with Her

icm_fullxfull-100290176_fzlhqwv2108cc0wco0ocI'm with Her - and by this I don't mean #ImWithHer. I mean HER - the sacred feminine force, the wellspring of wisdom and humanity that nourishes and feeds us all. I've always been with her - and she has always been with me. And with you.I'm with Her - and She is rising - and we are all feeling Her - through the soles of our own feet, through the ache in our own hearts.I'm with Her - the silenced voice re-learning speech, the overlooked wisdom, unclaimed and more often, condemned, the little girl, learning to dance joy.I'm with Her - the BODY of every woman (and man) that's been commodified, groped, raped and touched without invitation or permission, relearning its own preciousness.I'm with Her - the BODY of every black man that's been stolen from this earth by violence, re-claiming its own right to breathe.I'm with Her - the BODY of this planet, plundered, razed of its beauty and abundance, plowed under by those same groping hands of privilege and power.I'm with HER - the native peoples, fighting to defend their own land from the pipeline.I'm with HER - the shamans of the mountains of Peru, emerging to speak for HER - our Mother Earth, Panchamama.I'm with HER - as she rises in you - whether you are woman or man, as you awaken to your own interconnectivity, generativity - your own bright nature.All of this rising IS Her. Feel her stirring in you.Rise.


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