Illumination Sessions

This is something different.

In a world of struggle and uncertainty, it can be profoundly challenging to experience and stay connected with your light - your joy, your creativity.

I can help with that.

Each of us lives inside of a unique field of experience.

I work inside of that field. I listen for the coordinates of that field: how you experience yourself in the world at work, at home and in relationship to other people.

This helps me to map your story and locate the origin points of the challenges you face: repeating patterns and situations where you feel stuck.

We imagine together new images that expand the borders of your awareness of what’s possible. Like opening a window to allow fresh air to circulate, these new images allow new energy to move.

New light becomes available. Life feels easier and more spacious. With more room to move and grow and create, you can make new choices.

I want you to know that you are not trapped inside of the story or the ‘soul map’ that you inhabit right now. You can redraw the map or even move into a completely new map, a new story.

You can change your life - sure - but the more important outcome of soul work is this: the experience of yourself as you really are. A human being inside of a supportive, regenerative and loving world.

This world of love exists even when the world of material and man-made things seems to be falling apart. Connecting to this world is your birthright - you were born with the wiring and sensitivity to perceive and receive guidance.

People emerge from my programs and 1:1 sessions with new skills and a renewed ability to trust.

In my work, I offer:

  • A spiritual perspective. There’s a pattern behind your unfolding, a pattern that sometimes includes struggle.

  • A way to be kinder to yourself, to calm and contain emotional surges, floods and breakdown/breakthrough cycles.

  • A unique approach to problems that includes imaginal and energetic healing work.

We do ALL of this, mostly, by cultivating new images of how things might be different, might be better. As those images become more clear, they naturally begin to manifest inside of the real.

With 25 years as a spiritual coach, I’m experienced at guiding people back to light.

I can offer you non-judgmental, safe and sacred space – and the mirroring of a soul friend.

Even though we’ve never met, I know this about you. You are capable of joy.

I see you, not as a problem to be solved, but as a soul traveler, a spiritual being who is also a human being, balancing the call of your soul with the earthly realities of paying bills, negotiating relationships and creating a life of meaning and purpose.

Kind words from clients

Conversation that activates emergence

Inviting your essential self into dialogue opens space for your true voice to speak. This deeply soulful aspect of your own consciousness has much to tell you. When you follow its promptings, your actions are soul -led, illuminated by the truth of your own deep wisdom.

Moving this way - from inner wisdom to inspired action - grounds you to life purpose, laying the foundation for bone-deep self-confidence, self-love and a deep self-knowledge that rises from the root of trust. You trust yourself as you truly are because you KNOW yourself as you are. This direct relationship with your essential nature gives you the courage and confidence to create and to give what you’re here to give.

This is the path of illuminated wholeness and self-actualization. By giving what you are here to give, true contentment and satisfaction with life can emerge.

Illumination Sessions

Talk with me, one on one.
60-90 minutes (as needed).
Zoom or phone.

Sensible self-care and disclaimer:

While my work as a Spiritual Guide can support you in many life situations, I am not a therapist. If I assess that you would be better served by a Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Business Coach or Medical professional, I will direct you there.