I see Love Rising - in the world, in myself and in you.
Soul work is not about leaving this world for a better one. It’s about bringing your true nature, your deep nature, fully into this world.
Soul work grounds the spiritual into the real - so the love that you are can connect, create and move in every part of your life.
Soul work is about experiencing the fullness of what you are - not so you can access special powers or even, move through stages of ascension.
All of that can happen. It will happen - on your soul’s own schedule.
I offer somatic work, story work and integration work to help your own true nature emerge. Comfortably. Honestly. Creatively. Expansively.
There’s no other reason to do spiritual work.
Welcome. I’m Amy Oscar.
I am a writer, a mom, a teacher and guide. I also, happen to have the gifts of somatic intuition and imagery.
Having the ‘gift of imagery’ means that I receive intuitive information through pictures, patterns and symbols, which helps me to visualize new solutions to difficult situations and to observe energy flows in the body, in relationships and family systems, work spaces and communities. It makes me especially good at helping people figure out next steps and zero in on the roots of symptoms.
Having the gift of ‘somatic intuition’ means that I perceive and read energy, with my senses. It’s a kind of energy synesthesia, where I perceive the vital energy of the body and emotions as flows or flashes of color, sound, temperature, taste and smell.
These two gifts work together to help me translate the impressions and images I receive into clear and practical guidance to help people break through, open up and express their own gifts with greater ease and self love.

My Lineage
Led by a team of non-physical teachers, which include angels, I work in the lineage of the sacred mystery teachings that run through this world like an illuminated thread. The lineage of secrets kept safe and kept sacred, passed down from priestess to student for centuries.
I teach from the embodied awareness of the trauma, personal and collective, that we are all carrying. My work is grounded by a lifetime of training and spiritual study, including: Spiritual Science, Archetypal Dream Work and Depth Psychology.
I hold certificates in Spiritual Direction, Sacred Contracts and Spiritual Alchemy, Reiki (Master) and Hatha Yoga (CYT-500). I hold a BA in Psychology with a concentration in Narrative Counseling and the stages of Human Development.
I started on this path in my 20s, working at NY DMA/The Institute for Human Evolution, where I was trained in Robert Fritz’s ground-breaking DMA coursework and began offering classes of my own.
When our family joined a Waldorf School community, I studied at Sunbridge College, focusing on Rudolf Steiner’s Biography Work - exploring the stages and cycles of human life.
From 1998 - 2015, I worked as a Features Editor at Woman’s World magazine. In 2004, I launched “My Guardian Angel”, a weekly column featuring real-life encounters with angels. In my ten years on the MGA column, I read more than ten-thousand first-person miracle stories. Personal accounts of angelic encounters, from real people across the US and Canada. Through their letters and my own illuminated experiences, I came to understand that angels are everywhere - and they want us to see them, to trust them, and to know them.
As the angels made themselves known to me in countless ways, I began to perceive light around people. I was visited by glowing orbs. I received unmistakable signs of their presence.I began to hear whispers, then words and later, flows of information which I began to record, using a combination of automatic writing, channeling (audio) and meditatively guided dictation. That work became The Flow Materials, which you can now read on my blog.
As my conversation with the angels became too vivid to keep to myself, I felt called to teach - and to speak for the presence that was daily now speaking to me.
My first book, My Guardian Angel was a collection of stories from the magazine column. It was published by Hay House. Two years later, I self-published Sea of Miracles, an in-depth look at my experience with angels.
Soon after that, I woke one morning to find a glowing orb floating in the air at the foot of my bed. Like a glass bubble filled with threads of moving pattern. Wordlessly, it asked if I’d like to accept a gift assignment. Yes, I said, and the entire text of The Soul Caller Training was flowed to me - a complete 5-week program, which I received by automatic writing in less than 48 hours.
For the next four years, people from all over the world flocked to receive the guides’ message. You are loved. You are supported. It’s all for you. Then, in 2016, the guides gave me a second gift to share: The Soul Call Cards: A new way of divination.
All of my teaching and 1:1 counseling is bulit on this foundation. If you feel called to work with me, trust that calling. Know that when you are ready, the path always appears.
You have questions. Here’s how I can help.
Work with me one-on-one
In my Illumination Sessions, I offer you non-judgmental space – and the mirroring of a soul friend. Even though we’ve never met, I know this about you. You are capable of change, expansion - even magic..
Join my school of magic and miracles
In Soul Caller School I’ll teach you, week by week, through the power of the imaginal journey. It is the simplest - and most powerful - work you will ever do.
My work is built on a lifetime of practice and study, out of which I’ve developed these proprietary methodologies:
Illuminated Awareness
Intuition is the call to aliveness. What is here with you?
In all of my programs, we cultivate a way of looking at the simplest things from a ‘slightly sideways’ perspective. Where might this butterfly, flitting along the path, be leading me? What might this bird, tapping at the window pane, want me to notice? What might this friend, sitting across from me be asking for—or offering?
For those with eyes to see and ears to hear - the world is a sea of miracles.
Engaged Active Blessing
When we resist what is here, we split the world into good/bed, acceptable/ unacceptable binaries. This leaves us no choice but to choose between them.
When we refuse the culture’s demand that we split things this way, we no longer condemn, compete, blame and shame one another. In this way, we take the first necessary steps of returning all of the world to blessing. We un-split the world.
Now, by being with whatever person or circumstance arrives, curiosity can emerge once more. We can be surprised by life again. We can open to the blessings all around us - blessings that we miss when we condemn and exclude half of reality from the good.
Embodied Imagery Work
The body is always (every second) translating our thoughts and feelings into expression - through movement, flows of sensation and emotion and through symptoms - the body is expressing, visibly, what we are expressing invisibly.
In this work, you become aware of what is moving through the mind and how it is showing up in the body. With awareness, we can shift from worry and fear into extended states of open-heartedness, willingness andembodied grace.
A gentle movement and noticing practice.