Amy Oscar

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11 Things I no longer need

11 Things I no longer need1. Complaining2. Angst, Anxiety, Hand-wringing, Worrying, Borrowing trouble. I don't do this much but when I do, old family patterns suck me right in, fast. Still, I won't worry about that right now...3. Self-criticism - the crooked teeth, the nose, the extra 15 pounds... yadda yadda. Who cares?4. Picking on my husband - yup. I do it. And he's just sitting there minding his own business. I don't do it often and not as much as I used to. But, as my daughter has observed, "There is an argument that lives in the kitchen. Just stay out of there."5. Perfectionism6. Dressing like a bag lady when I am not going to the office. (However, not using items three and five to make it impossible to even GET dressed in the morning. The little black jacket works fine with those pants. Get in the car.)7. This forest green quilted jacket that, while it is soft and comforting to wear, doesn't look good.8. Not buying myself the tools that I need : Laptop, new car, Ipod, camera... shoes.9. Complaining about how I never buy myself the tools that I need (see item one)10. Caring what you think of me - well, I care. But I am giving up PROJECTING what I think you must think of me and then using that as an excuse not to say or do something.11. Caffeine. If I can. This will be the hardest of all. Hold my hand, please.