Sea of Miracles opens the door onto a world of light, love and infinite blessing. As you read, you will cross into this world, easily, effortlessly. Once there, your life will never be the same.
Sea of Miracles: An invitation into the light
I was working as a features editor in one of the top-selling magazines in the world - writing stories about women who’d mastered life-threatening situations - illness, devastating loss - working their way back to vibrant health, independence and joy.
When, my editor asked me to manage a column about real life angel experience. I laughed. “Really?” It wasn’t that I didn’t believe in God. It wasn’t that I wasn’t spiritual. But angels? Not my thing. Not at all. Until I began to read the letters, each one containing the story of a miracle…
When you read this book, you’ll receive the same invitation the angels offered me: Know that we are real. Know that we are here with you. Know and experience our presence in your life.
Excerpted from Chapter One
… these stories had a lit up, almost electric quality, which activated a particular kind of ‘listening’ in me, like an inner alertness that was switched on as i read. Later, when i spoke with the people who’d sent the stories, who’d personally experienced a divine encounter, they described the same kind of energy—that calming sense of certainty. “i had no doubt that what i experienced was real,” they told me. “it was the simplest message but it changed everything.” “My life,” they told me, “has never been the same.”
I kept reading.
i began to sort the stories into categories: Highway Angels, Hospital Angels, Rescue Angels, Angels at the beach. it was a natural thing to do — the stories did seem to fall into distinct groups.
Months passed, then a year, two years, then three. As i continued to read more stories, a strange new energy coursed through my body — it was like absorbing or swallowing light! After work, I’d carry that energy to the grocery store or an evening class. i felt lighter — and people began to respond to me in a different way. They’d smile more and engage me in conversation.
Once, at a writer’s conference where i was a panelist, a woman sat down opposite me to ask a question. i expected a polite query about an article submission or story idea. when she asked, “Have you seen an angel?” i was so surprised that i stammered out an inelegant, “W-w-what?”
There was no way she could have known about the work i was doing. My name was not associated with the stories then and the conference organizers had listed me only as “Editor.”
“I’m sorry,” she shook her head. “i don’t know what made me ask that. I...” she took a breath. “wait, yes i do know. it’s your face. it looks lit from underneath the skin. I’m...well, I’m able to see angel light. it’s something i can do — and i can tell that you’ve seen angels.”
When i told her about my work, she said, “i thought so. i can always tell.”
A Waterfall of Grace
There were other signs that my life was being touched—and graced—by the presence of angels. Opportunities fell into my lap; doors opened; money showed up when i needed it and i developed an uncanny knack for finding parking spots at the mall!
Everything that had happened to me before was given a new context. Things that I had written off as strange but inexplicable phenomena began to form a pattern that made my whole life look more guided, which made me feel, you know, kinda special...
That didn’t last. As the angels showed me: You are all special, all guided. These things are happening to everyone, every day.
i experienced a profound shift in the way that i see (and the way that i live) as all of these stories — along with the spiritual teachings I’d studied for years — began to weave themselves into a braid of wisdom that I’m still unraveling, a spiraling gift of meaning. One day, i knew: I can no longer pretend that what I’m experiencing isn’t real.
I began to detect the presence of an alternate path, running parallel to the path that I was on.
Glowing and apart, i saw that this path was an invitation to an alternate way of thinking and living that could be accessed at any time, at any age, by anyone. Though the path came to me as a dream- like image, it was also completely and palpably real. i saw that it had always been there, beckoning me to fully experience what i’d been dabbling in for years: a deeper and more meaningful relationship with the divine.
And here I must come clean—for even though this is a book about angels — and even though every story I read came to me under the banner of ‘angel stories,’ it soon became clear to me that, running like a stream beneath every story and every encounter of my own, there was another divine presence. it was less articulated than the angels — bigger, wider, deeper — but it was just as responsive. I sensed that the angels were but one expression, one part of this vast and loving ‘something more.’
I began to understand that through this avalanche of angel stories i was witnessing the presence of the divine — of God. As this realization dawned, so did an increasing sense of responsibility to report it — to tell you about it. Like the letter writers who seemed compelled to share their stories, even when others had doubted them, i, too, felt the urge to bear witness. “if i touch just one person,” I thought (and i continue to think) then I’ve done my job. This compulsion, I’ve come to understand, is the natural response to gratitude. Still, I won’t lie to you. I was terrified.
i made all kinds of excuses. i got sick, got busy with other things and got caught up in family dramas. But each day, because of the nature of my work, i was called back to reading miracle stories. reading them, i was called back to closer relationship with the divine—and an ever-increasing proximity to that glowing path, that invitation.
I knew that accepting this invitation would require me to live in a new way: Heart open, eyes clear, feet firmly planted on the ground as the whole living world dissolved into shimmering mystery. This is the story of what happened when I did just that — and what can also happen for you.
“Amy Oscar’s beautiful book completely opened my eyes to the divinity all around me. Being a Buddhist, I am not usually one for talking of angels, miracles, or God. Even so, Amy’s stories, hauntingly beautiful writing, and passion for her subject drew me in word by word. As I read, I suddenly became aware of how my own life has served to turn down the volume on my intuition… how my stress levels have drowned out guidance from the universe. How strong my own powers of empathy, dream clarity, and intuitive healing are. Amy’s book pulled me out of a place of discomfort with the divine and into a place of prayer, gratitude, and belief in angels among us.”
— Foxy Pickett, Founder of Wild Playground and Empathology
You can talk to angels. You can experience miracles.
Sea of Miracles is an invitation to a deeper and more meaningful relationship with the Divine.
With practical tools and personal experience, the author leads you step by step into the Sea of Miracles, a world where everyone you meet may be a guide, and everything you see is shimmering with meaning.
“Raised as a fundamentalist Christian kid (really, really hardcore!), I was taught to believe in angels. After I left that belief system and journeyed through many aspects of eastern religions and new age philosophy, I found myself deeply skeptical of the claims many make of their abilities to communicate with heavenly beings. However, I couldn’t deny my own mystical experiences. As I read this book, I was moved to tears more than once as it confirmed over and over what I have experienced. I recommend this to anyone who would love to know for themselves that this is a “call and response Universe”…for anyone who longs to feel unmistakable guidance in life…for everyone who is weary of the dogma and just wants direct experience of their own connection to the Divine.”
— Jacob A. Nordby, Author, Blessed Are the Weird: A Manifesto for Creatives and Founder, UnBootCamp