Amy Oscar

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Animating your Prayers

Animating your prayers means praying with a connection to the thing that you are praying for - a connection that creates the experience, inside of you, of love. That love, that animation, connects you instantly, to God, to All That Is, and builds a bridge of light/love/life energy.Your prayer zips across the bridge to the edge of the Sea of Miracles where it is received, and echoed back to you in response.The directness and specificity of the response from the Sea of Miracles (from God/All That Is) is almost always a mirror of the connection with which you pray. But not always.This isn't a matter of manipulation - animating prayer isn't about 'making' the gods listen to you and do what you say. It's about initiating a relationship of ask and it is given, of give and take, of call and response that runs both ways. A relationship that builds over time, that deepens with trust and that takes into account the personality and the nature of each participant.Spirit is vast and wide, a limitless ocean of love that we cannot possibly break into a how-to list. We must honor the nature of what we have initiated with our prayer, with our invocation, with our request for communion, for relationship.Spirit has its ways.We must take into account the matter of Grace. A matter too broad and mysterious for us to grasp or explain or respond to with anything but awe. Grace is a gift that comes without warning, 'just because' and astonishes us.Which is also, ultimately, about love. For the moment Grace drizzles stardust over our lives, we fall in love (even if it's just for a moment) with the Universe, with the possibility that the Universe, that God might be just a little bit in love with us, too.