Amy Oscar

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Back home. Feet up. Exhaling.

Amy's feetThis week, I led my very first Soul Caller Retreat and though I want to tell you all about it, right now I'm in a weird re-entry mode that's making it hard to find words for ... anything.I'm back home re-entering my very real life with deadlines (two magazine columns due) and both of my grown children showing up at the house (sheer delight) and having to readjust to the work of being 'just' a wife, mother, editor while inside I am a completely different something. Transformed. Wider. More present. More ... me.Yet words.... are challenging.All I can see is love. All I can think about is love. All I can feel is shimmering, overflowing love. (Oh, and magic. The kind that's real, lasting and not the least bit woo woo. The kind of magic that's available to all of us, every day, everywhere.)Every person I meet is a miracle. Every experience, a blessing.At the same time, I am experiencing what feels like a cell-level reorganization. One moment, I feel energized from head to toe and not the least bit tired. The next moment, I am fast asleep on the sofa, dreaming vivid dreams.All the while, I am cocooned in this love.When the words return as I know they will, I will share more with you - I promise.---Some of the things that inspired me this week:Your great mistake is to act the drama as if you were alone, writes David Whyte. Everything is waiting for you.Raising a young man (or woman)? Been a young man (or woman)? Read this hilarious take on relationship: InterpretationJulie Daley's work is always sumptuous, drenched with wisdom: My body is my guruA very important reminder from Danielle LaPorte:  the declaration of deserving...just because you're here.---- And from me:Look at the man.The writing that needs to happen.Engage only with love.An invitation to The Soul Caller Sanctuary.Added two new services to my offerings: The first thing I notice is your light.My book, Sea of Miracles is my story . (It’s your story, too.)----Have a blessed week.xxoo~ Amy