Bus, butterfly, bird, branch: A dream

Last night I dreamed a little yellow butterfly came and sat on my head.I was on a schoolbus, headed somewhere. The girl behind me said, "Ooh!"The butterfly started walking around, flapping its wings.  Another girl, seated beside me, said, "Ooh!"I didn't like the way it felt to have a butterfly up there, walking on my head but i kept quiet, because the other girls were enchanted.Still, I had to make adjustments. I reached up to gently coax it away from my ear, where it was walking, in a tickly and annoying way. But it panicked, and its legs got tangled in my hair.It started to struggle - which i really didn't like.So I flipped my hair upside down to free it, which, in hindsight, was not the best idea.The girl behind me gasped. "No!""Here," said the girl beside me. "Let me help you." She told me, "Flip your hair back up - but very slowly."Which isn't really possible.So i did it wrong.Of course.And the butterfly was more entangled - and a little piece of its wing broke off.More gasping.Eventually, things worked out. The girls worked together on the top of my head to free the butterfly's legs - and someone held up a mirror so I could see how lovely it looked there, behind my ear.Once i could see the butterfly, I calmed down. It did look nice. I felt good about it.I held out my finger and it crawled along my hand, which was alos tickly but I didn't mind it. I could see where the wing, hanging on a little hinge of wing cartilage, had broken.Then, I guess it flew away.Because somehow, in a piece of dream i can no longer recall, the butterfly dream turned into a bird dream.A little bird with the most adorable face and spoted yellow and grey wings.I loved that bird.It flew around. It landed on things. It looked at me. I named it - and if, during the day, the name returns to me, I will add it here.It was adorable. We had long loving conversations.I talked. It cocked its little head to the side, listening.Then, one day, it dropped its tail feathers, flew up to a small mound of dirt beside me and started to molt.Is this okay? I asked and the people around me assured me that it was.Still, I sat with it as it puffed up and its feathers went all fuzzy.. It seemed to be sleeping but it was NOT dead. I could see its little chest, now covered with white speckled fluff, rise and fall.Then, the fluff fell away.I held my breath.And new wings started to grow.I clapped, delighted and then...A huge tree burst through the soil right under the bird.Terrified, I tried to reach for the bird but iI couldn't find it.And, by the way, Where did that tree come from?Then, from under the tree, with a huge rumble and roar, a huge, loud bright yellow earth mover- a tractor - rolled up from the hole, burst through to the surface and drove off.And I was like, huh?Cuz it made no sense, even in a dream.And then, I looked down and there was my bird, pierced through the heart by a slim branch.I woke up.


Books - Birds

