The big reveal behind the transformation curtain

I am a Soul Caller, an expression of love awakening in a material world.So are you.There are other names for what this is - what I am (and you are): Light Worker, Earth Angel, Human Being - but these are just labels for what is, essentially the same thing: Love Emerging inside of form. Light illuminating a you-sized piece of the world with consciousness.In my day job, I work as a teacher and spiritual counselor and in the course of that work, people share their hearts with me – their deep, true hearts. There is something about the intimacy of the shared phone connection. Something about the open-ended time I offer to expand into the story, the feeling, the hurt.People tell me about the bad habits – of thinking or being – that they wish they could fix. They tell me about the critical voice that whispers, you’ll never be good enough.They tell me about the husband who doesn’t pay enough attention (or the one who pays too much), the career path they should have taken, the degree they never finished, the teacher who shamed them, the schoolmate who bullied, the parent who ignored, the friend who broke their heart…I want to hug each and every one of them and say, “I feel this with you – I felt the same way until, one day, I didn’t anymore.”One day, someone sat down beside me and said: All of this fixing and seeking is a distraction. It’s avoidance of a truth that you don’t want to see because it scares you.You are powerful. That’s the truth. It’s the big reveal behind the transformation curtain.You’re not broken – I mean that the hurt that you’ve experienced did not break you. You’re not too old, too young, too small, too anything. You’re powerful in ways that you don’t fully understand.

I know that this scares you. You don’t what to do with that kind of power. You don’t know because no one ever taught you. They didn’t teach you because they didn’t know. Yet you (and I suspect, they) could feel it.

You could always feel it: the power vibrating under the skin of your body, pressing against the mask of your pretending. Behind the whisper of shame and blame, you’ve heard it calling all of your life: You are more than you let yourself be. This world is more than you allow IT to be. I know that you don’t - you can’t - fully trust this. You don’t know what this power is. That’s why it scares you – I know that it does. Until very recently, my power scared me.Until it didn’t anymore – until I understood that this power is love.This is so clear to me now – so simple: the power everyone’s always talking about doesn’t come from defenses or violence. It’s isn’t power over - it’s bigger than that. It’s love. Of course, it is. Once I knew this – I KNEW it. Yet back in the day – when I was wrestling my heart to the floor, I couldn’t see beyond the shame and blame and worry and sorrow. These big feelings distract us from the real.It wasn’t that I hadn’t heard this before: I’d heard it everywhere: in books and courses and magazine articles and blog posts. I’d heard it in love songs and movies and poetry. The sheer ubiquity of the message served as its own perverse cloaking device, making the most important information into the world into a kind of … trend. It was everywhere.Even so, I was resistant. I lived in the story of ‘everyone but me…’• As if the gods had chosen their A team and I wasn’t on it.• As if every opportunity was an invitation to disappointment: Once they realize how little I actually know…I met every invitation with doubt and fear. Why would they want me around? I’m so much less than I should be, than I could be – so much less than they are. And then, one day, all of that ended. 

I am so grateful that Wisdom did not give up on me – and it won’t give up on you. Right now, wisdom is whispering you onward, forward. One day (soon) you’ll be walking down a sidewalk or sitting in a lavender-scented bath or reading a blog post (maybe this blog post) and you'll get it.

You’ll see why, until now, you’ve been afraid to be happy, whole and free: because wielding the kind of power that you actually have feels overwhelming. It’s soooo much responsibility. What if you get it wrong? What if you, clumsily, unsteadily holding the sword, hurt someone? What if you, foolishly, humiliatingly drop and dent the crown?You don’t trust yourself. You don’t understand that you were made for this. You don’t understand that you are literally built out of love - I mean molecularly, at the quantum level – your body is made of love… and so is everything else. Which means that everyone – and everything you meet is love.Everything is love meeting love.When you get this – and you will – you will see that all you have to do (for the rest of your beautiful life) is let the love that is already here flow through you (and to you).Not next week. Not when you’re finally ready. Now. Right here, wherever you are. This minute.

• You are designed to love.• You are supposed to be curious (curiosity is love. Did you know that? It is. Isn’t that wonderful? Curiosity is love that is reaching for something to love reaching for more love.)• You are designed with all kinds of senses beyond the basic five – senses that inhale the fragrance of music through your muscles and bones. Senses that taste the flavor of the wind and sing the color of the water and dream the heartbeat of the earth through the soles of your dancing feet.

Listen. Feel. Tune in.Step into the light of your own beautiful heart.Shift into a world of love by simply deciding to.Open – with curiosity and tenderness.Ask for all the help you need. Notice it, when it inevitably, inexorably arrives.Witness the truth. Invite the truth to show itself to you. Ask and ask and ask until you believe the answer that comes and comes and always comes:  You are love – and so is everyone and everything else. And isn’t that amazing?


Open The Door


All bridges lead to love