Dream: Chased by the rude boy through snow, frozen inside of a statue, melting

I'm working on a book project which weaves together the many different forms of guidance I receive: dreams, waking imagery, words, which drift toward me as I wake from sleep.This morning, I came across a dream from early 2014, which feels almost prescient in light of what's going on in the world right now. So I thought I'd share it with you and open a conversation about how the psyche reads the currents of the world - long before we notice what's going on.IN THE DREAM ... I am at a party where people are making a huge fuss over a 13-year-old boy. 

“He’s remarkable!” they murmur, raising their glasses to toast him. Everyone is trying to get closer to him, just to get a glimpse. Yet, even from here, I can see he's nothing special. He's just a boy!Still, I don't say anything,I go into the kitchen where I find a platter of chocolate. I take a piece and as I place it on my tongue, the boy comes running into the kitchen. "You tasted my chocolate!" he shouts. (By tasting his chocolate, I seem to be able to see truth about him.)Outraged, he starts chasing me.I run outside into a deep winter landscape. The boy is powerful and has dispatched his ‘men’ to track me down.I hide between snowdrifts and ice floes, outwitting the men who pursue me on foot and on snowmobiles. I am hiding behind an ice mountain when, suddenly, the snow gives way beneath me and I fall, sinking into a crevasse.I drop into a warm rushing river., floating downstream. I see people, happily picnicking on both sides of the river.“Hello!” I call, but they can't see or hear me. Oh no! I realize that I've turned into a statue – a political candidate dressed in a navy blue suit with blonde bobbed hair and a frozen smile.I can't move. I can only hold this torch over my head. The weight of my own body causes me to sink.I descend. The water closes over my head. I die.I reawaken. I'm swimming through a bright tunnel in a new body, dressed in a white sleeveless gown. As I pass through the tunnel, a gentle wave lifts me onto the shore.I am on my hands and knees, coughing up coins of every world currency. A businessman, holding a set of scales, stands impassively watching.

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And all of it was love