Everyone, everything, every moment, every day

About a year after I first started working with angels, after I'd read about five-hundred stories of miraculous rescues, healings, visitations and dreams, I began to feel different: I felt like I was melting, as if the edges that made me ME were softening, and I was blending into something bigger, something that was both absorbing ME and filling me with itself.With my eyes wide open, I was having the kind of mystical experience some people report after years of meditation--the experience where one becomes liquid and merges with God. The experience in which everything has meaning.Everything I saw was a sign, the numbers on license plates, words written on street signs, all seemed encoded with messages just for me. Patterns emerged in the leaves on the ground, piles of acorns, the rhythm of snow falling into puddles at the side of the road.I still feel that way. But now, I no longer think I'm crazy – nor do think, any longer, that I’m special. For though I am differently gifted; with a unique set of skills and talents – so is everyone else. This is one of the things the awareness has been teaching me. Everyone, I understand now, is special, bursting with stars.


Gratitude and Greed


New money