A feather walk in the snow
So, I took a snowy feather walk/vision quest yesterday, just before dusk.I was carrying the question: how do I make my work ... work? How do I connect with the people I can best serve, and the content they (and I) can best use, and the packaging of that content (my challenge right now) which supports me financially - but also builds and sustains me, body heart and soul?I also kinda challenged the world - covered in snow - to bring me a feather because... because. Which was a really big ask.Or so I thoughtuntil the answer began to arrive ...
And I had my answer:
Red - the pulse of life, the thread of blood, the call of the sacred living mother who animates the world. Red - a thread to follow through opening doors, an invitation to see Her, to speak to Her (and for Her), to let myself be Her, the embodied fire of a love which threads and threads and never stops threading through the blanked out worldThe bright red thread of my own voice.My own blood.She is everywhere you look because you look for Her.