Amy Oscar

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Lately, I've been 'FeatherWalking'


I've been talking ‪#‎Featherwalks‬ lately. This practice, which I do daily, is an experiment in collecting evidence for the world of wisdom that we carry, and which is also reflected in the world all around us.

I go outside and walk, listening for guidance and following it.

I begin with an intention - or a request. I ask for a sign - or the answer to a question. I often start with the simple prayer, "Please bring me feathers."

I step outside - (you can do this anywhere. It doesn't matter if you're in a city, a suburb, on a cruise ship or in your own back yard.)

I start walking.

Oh, also, I bring a little paper bag - or a Ziploc. I'm a scientist, out gathering specimens.

I keep a comfortable pace. No agenda. I breathe and watch my breath as my mind settles into a kind of inner 'listening.' I start to notice things - I let my outer eye be drawn to where my inner eye leads.

What message might that stone, that feather have for me?What story is that spider weaving?

What's here to see? What pattern - and how might it reflect a pattern in me?Other things happen while I'm FeatherWalking.

Lately, deer have been leaping across my path - and rabbits scampering up to stare at me.Once, a family of wild turkeys walked parallel to me for a while.

I notice all of this as if it were the response to my question - the answer to my prayer.

---If you take a Featherwalk, I'd love to see the results. Share them on Instagram and/or Twitter with the hashtag: #FeatherWalk