4 ways to deepen your intuition and get more guidance

ClarifyGuidance is energy. Energy is a flow. The more clearly it flows, the better.

  • Clarify the energy of your thoughts – Through contemplation, Sacred journaling, Meditation
  • Clarify the energy of your heart. Through prayer. Through opening to forgiveness, to beauty. To the good in others – and yourself.
  • Clarify the energy of your choices – Work toward developing a clear sense of what you want, who you are.
  • Clarify your intentions - Choose toward the things that bring you joy instead of against the things that upset you.

OpenGuidance comes through many channels: the heart, the mind, the physical senses of the body, and the intuitive senses. Like all flowing streams, guidance moves more effectively and more quickly through open channels.

  • Open your heart: Through devotion – to someone smaller or less fortunate than yourself; a child, a cat, a parent, an aging neighbor, a community center.
  • Open your eyes: Consciously and deliberately search for beauty, for the gifts of abundance that nature and the Universe deliver every single day. Make a daily practice of counting your blessings.
  • Open your mind: insist on experiencing things freshly, as they really are. Slow down, move at your own pace, in your own rhythm.
  • Open your hands: Give. Without the expectation of receiving anything in return. Give because it feels good. Ask, How can I give to the people sitting right in the room beside me – right now?  Ask, What can I offer to my community? What can I give to the wider community through donations or volunteer work? How can I translate and transform my beliefs (and complaints) into positive actions?

FeelGuidance flows both ways. Your feelings are your feedback to the Universe, letting it know what you like and dislike, what feels good to you, what feels bad. The more you can connect with your FEELING life, the more clearly the Universe can focus its flow in the direction that will please you.

  • Move your body – every day, several times a day. Use all of your senses as often as you can. Burn incense or sage; bring home a bunch of fragrant eucalyptus branches and place them in water near the entrance of your home. Taste new foods, new spices.
  • Connect with the earth – Take that book outside and read it in the sun. FEEL the breeze. Plant a garden and tend it often; in winter, bring home a tray of live herbs and nurture them, keep them alive.
  • Connect with other sentient beings - Sit with you cat and let her purring penetrate your own body, play with your dog. Host a barbecue. Bring lively people into your life. Connect with the people already in your life– especially aging parents and children!
  • Join or start a wisdom circle; a women’s mysteries group; Don’t just study sacred dance – get up and dance.
  • Drumming, chanting, whirling. Ground yourself. Feel your feet on the earth. FEEL your body.
  • Inhale and SMELL the flowers. Open the spices in your pantry and inhale them. Better yet, grow herbs in your garden. Rub the leaves between your fingers and inhale their fresh scents. How does this make you FEEL?

CreateGuidance is energy. Energy wants to move. Let yourself flow the energy and the guidance that comes to you out and into your life.

  • Make something – anything! Use the creativity God gave you to make a quilt, a scrapbook, a blog.
  • Use your hands to build something, a dollhouse – a real house – to sew the missing buttons onto your own blouses. Resole your own shoes. Get a set of watercolors and go out into nature and splash around with color on the page.
  • Redecorate your space, bring in symbolic, iconic images and statues and objects to remind you of your connection to the sacred.
  • Creative activity - art, writing, photography, sewing, painting, handcrafts. Working with tools, using your own hands, heart and mind brings you into direct relationship with the flow of light/love/life that is bursting to be born from within you.

Sunday morning gift to artists


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