When I hold the space for your shining, I am really holding space for more love in the world.

When I hold the space for your shining, I am really holding space for more love in the world. In holding that space, I am instantly connected with the vast/infinite love that IS the world and THAT love holds me safe.No shining is too bright, no love too deep. In other words, your shining is that part of you that is Divine, calling to that which is Divine in the world and in others. It's the principle of Namaste.The more brightly you shine - the more brightly the Divine shines on me - and the more brightly the Divine in me responds. We call this expansion forth from one another.In other words, your shining is a gift to the world and to each person who stands in your presence, whether they 'get it' or not; whether they feel comfortable with it or not. It's still a gift.When someone tries to diminish your light, it is only their fear of their own brightness speaking - their projection that shining so brightly could ever separate you or them from the Divine.


What I want you to know about the world


Featherwalk: unedited