in the present moment, I am a bright core of love, radiating outward.

772_10206683642903316_9190235120384679956_nThis morning. I was sitting by the window, in that early morning meditative state where dream weaves in and out of daylight. I was drawing and thinking, reading and sipping tea, when a thought emerged:As if this one day contained all the days of my life- and when I followed that thought, I saw all the moments of an entire life, all the pearls of memory and meaning assembled in a pile.I had all of that time and all the time to come in one place - this place, right here.All time was here with me.And I saw that this moment was a constellation, one flash of insight, spiraling open like a flame suddenly flaring from the bright tip of a match. Bursting outward from one bright core of awakening.All the things that I've done. All the things I did not do.All the things that are to come. All the things that never come.And all of it here, opening - held in the sacred seed of this day like an offering, an invitation to live.It was so simple.And completely liberating.For when I held all moments as one moment, regret vanished and all of my 'it's too late' dissolved.When time became this concentrated wholeness, and all of it was right here with me - now - I could make all the choices I've been putting off making and schedule every program and play date I'd been meaning to get to. I could plan every journey and outline every book.I can't explain this. Not yet.But suddenly, inexplicably, everything changed.It was as if, by constellating time as a center point - instead of a line - I was suddenly constellating myself fully into the world in present time.And suddenly to love all the people I've been withholding from to bless all of the things I've been waiting - until I'm ready -to forgive.From this place of wholeness, there was only one question: How will I meet this?For I already knew how this would meet me - as a wholeness, constellating into form. As a bright core of light, radiating into the the present moment, I am a bright core of love, radiating outward.


The door is open.


Letting go of attachment to how other people think, behave or live (and why you attached to that in the first place)