You are a kinesthetic, psycho-spiritual, bio-miraculous energy being built around a sparkling seed of light

You are consciousness, embodied. Light incarnate. You are Love, painted into the world with a bright brush of joy by That which creates all things.Your mind is a fieldof attention and awareness which lives, not in your brain, but in radiant wide relationship with all that is - while maintaining, through some miracle of consciousness, your individuality, creativity, curiosity and intelligence.Your heart is a fieldof affection which constantly mirrors you back to yourself so that you 'just know' which choice feels right and which experiences will serve and support your unfolding.Your body is a fieldof self-regulating, self-managing healing intelligence that reweaves your skin when it's cut, raises your fever when you're sick, and alerts you, through symptoms, when it's time to call the doctor.YOU are a fieldof soul intention which drew into form around  a seed of light, which was planted into the soil of the world to deliver your unique 'life gesture' - your gift of radiance.You walk with spirit- guides, guardian angels, ascended masters and ancestors who chatter and whisper constantlydropping clues in your earsand  signs in your pathto let you know how loved you are - and how very NOT ALONE you are.You are supportedand nourished and helped and soothedby devic kingdoms and queendoms, which hold  the patterns of all created things... including your hands, your eyes, your fingernails.You are here- alive, awakening, ready to emerge -held in the embrace of a world which evolved to support life - and to support you.Like the flowers and the birds and the oceans and the starsYOU are a miracle.A living, breathing bio-miraculous energy being who was sent here (by you and the divine) to deliver a precious gift. (You are that gift - and how you deliver yourself to the world... well, that's up to you.)Connect with your soul call.Engage your bright and right beautyUnleash that light you've got hidden in your handbag (We can all see it, you know?)You'll have such fun uncovering the truth of who and what you are: a beloved human being embedded in a world of blessing. Right here. Right now. Right in the middle of your very earthly life. 


Reclaim the world for love


Love is always here