Louise Rooney: Blooming through 'languaging'
I asked Louise Rooney to be a part of the wisdom series because I love the way she thinks (and because she has 'sparkly eyes' - and when you read her post, you will know what I mean by that.)Each time I encounter this remarkable teacher, on Twitter, and during #SoulChat, I feel the buzz of resonance - here is a person who is working in the 'school' where I work; who speaks my language.She's an alchemist - engaging the shadow and turning it inside out to reveal its gifts. There's no bitterness about the bad things that happen to us - instead, there's this curiosity and eagerness to share ideas. She's connecting to a truth that's beyond earth-truth, a 'clean truth' - scrubbed clean of power grabs and posturing.That's why, for me, Louise's is the wisdom of exploration and of telling the truth. I am pleased and proud to introduce her to you today: - - - - -Languaging yourself Whole: Name it to Reclaim it!“There is nothing we can see or conceive that we are not, and the purpose of our journey is to restore ourselves to this Wholeness.” Debbie FordOr as I like to say - ”There is no other”!For those of us who’ve been working on self awareness for some time now, this doesn’t come as a revelation. We know this. Boy, do we know this. There are times when I’d like to go back, take the blue pill and plug back into The Matrix, when the work of becoming whole just gets too unbearable.Today, I want to share with you a simple insight that may help you move closer toward your wholeness, your juiciness and your fullness.My work is all about Alignment, which I describe as bringing all aspects of the Self into the Eternal Now, or coming into alignment with Spirit and then manifesting this alignment in my relationship to the material world ( i.e., Bringing heaven on earth).As straightforward as the steps sound, you can bet there’s an ugly side to it. Of course there is, but that’s where the real juice is! Don’t look to bliss and love for a charge, the real juice is in the ugly, the disowned, the shadow.That’s where the substance of our humanity hides.You see, alignment is all about reclaiming those aspects of the Self that you have disowned over the course of your “conditioning” – I dare not say life as life doesn’t do this to us - but the conditioning we receive along the way.The conditioning that says:Yes, this is acceptable, express it;No, this is unacceptable; suppress it.
With all of these aspects of the Self either lost in the past or projected out into the future, there’s “no one home” in the present to be in alignment with Source. We’re off out at the rim of the wheel, in the whirlwind rather than at the calm center, witnessing it all in the flow. Reclaiming the Self involves opening up that suitcase that you have packed (suppressed) tightly with regrets, shame, anger, whatever was ‘ugly’ to you in the past, either in experience or taught through conditioning; and releasing them to be integrated into your being.My insight today is with regard to the “How”:How to reclaim those aspects of the Self.How to throw out your net and reel yourself back in .How to move more and more of your Self back into Alignment with Source.The secret is through Language:“Using language consciously seems to be the most fruitful method of retrieving shadow substance scattered out on the world. Energy we have sent out is floating around beyond the psyche; and one way to pull it back into the psyche is by the rope of language”. Robert BlyThis 'rope of language' so perfectly describes the process of languaging the disowned aspects of Self: drawing them back and anchoring them in. However, not all language has this magic power – the language has to be expressed from a place of authenticity.This authenticity is vital as this is the only languaging that has the ability to reign in the fragments of Self hidden behind the false masquerades; hidden behind the conditioning; hidden behind the beliefs; hidden behind the unreal.This particular languaging is your truth.So how aware are you of your truth, and how often do you express it to yourself, let alone to others? Conversely how often do you suppress your truth to mollify others, to advance your career, to ________ fill in the blank? To have an easier life?You see, your relationship with your truth and expressing it is not something that happens overnight. It’s a relationship that has to be initiated, then nourished, nurtured and honoured so that you and your truth are one - in alignment.By making a habit of languaging your truth you transmute energy trapped behind the “dam”of suppression, to a flowing source of energy and sustenance. The more dams you release, the more juicy, glowing and blooming with energy you will be. It’s easy to spot those who have ‘released many dams’ – they’re the people with the sparkly eyes. Their eyes more closely reflect Source rather than the delusion of the world. And those who speak from their truth carry the resonance of Source; their words have the power to bring others into their alignment, like a tuning fork.The more energy you release the juicier you’ll feel, the less at the whim of circumstance you will be and the more you become the architect of your life. In other words, more of your Self becomes available to you.
I suggest that with all of your language you develop the habit of speaking from a place of authenticity and truth – even the thoughts you say to yourself! From your tweets to your blogs, your small talk in the local shop to your deep and meaningfuls; everything you express, either reclaims or dissipates your Self. This is the ‘life practice’ of becoming whole,of lining up.My favourite quote from the wonderful “I (heart) Huckabees” film is the question: “How am I not being myself?”You know when you are in resonance with your Self just as much as you know when you are not. You can feel it. Let resonance be your guide – from discerning the truth in the world around you to discerning and tuning into your own truth.We actually use a lot of energy suppressing our wildest, ugliest thoughts – instead of transmuting them into usable energy. It’s the same with tension in the body. It takes so much more energy to hold tension in a muscle, than for that muscle to be relaxed.It takes so much more energy to be who we aren’t than to be who we truly are! (Ask actors on a set!!)Suppressing your true Self prevents you from communing with Source and is ultimately a liability – as sometimes the energy you are suppressing leaks out sideways and causes a lot of pain and suffering. By the way, it’s easy to identify that which you are suppressing as the Universe will present it to you over and over in your everyday life. Each day the Universe will come knocking saying “hey, here’s another piece you forgot!”.So the questions to ask yourself today are:“What am I attracting in my life?” and“How am I not being myself?”Then set about answering these questions from your deepest truth – language them and reclaim your Wholeness, your juiciness and let your beautiful potential bloom!- - - - -Louise is a full-time single mother to her adorable 2 year old son, Kobe. She lives in Ireland and is currently reclaiming herself and preparing to offer her skills to the world (soon!). She has trained in advanced levels of Tantra and loves talking about all things energy related! She shares her stream of consciousness on Twitter @louiserooney and on her blog http://www.louiserooney.com