More of This, please
Here is the simplest and most effective visioning tool I've ever worked with. I invented it myself, capitalizing on my (compulsive) need to make lists on every available piece of paper.The More of This List1) Allocate a spot in your journal where you can capture every single thing that makes you think: Wow or Yum or Oooh or Gee, I would really like to have more of this in my life. The back pages work well for this.2) Keep adding to it, often - all year.3) Keep checking it, often - all year. Notice the way things that seemed important often fade; notice which things continue to shine out at you - the things that 'feel' important. These are the golden nuggets.That's it!This simple practice
- keeps your vision fresh - and in front of your face
- is a living, organic record of the inside of your head - and your heart
- is impossible to do wrong
- yet, its amazingly effective.
It works because it works you - from the outside in.The More of This List:
- is a workshop that takes place in the creative space between the world of ideas and the world of forms.
- is a mind sieve, capturing the daydreamy first thoughts, caprices and BIG ideas that might otherwise slip away when the phone rings or the boss stops by the cubicle for a chat.
Though the More of This List feels free-form, it's a powerful tool - it's vision on steroids; no, it's vision on organic whey protein powder.You can use it to super-charge your vision board process, your business and personal projects; your writing; and, your family life. You can use it for poems, garden plans and home design. You can use it for vacation planning and lofty dreams (the loftier the better).Use it as a prayer, a conversation between you and the Divine - a way of clarifying your dreams into visions, and asking for the support of the Universe to draw them into form.As you work with your "More of This list," some things will begin to show up - remarkably, even miraculously. Some will take a little work - but I've found that even the things on my list that seem most complicated feel easier - and seem to be more guided and supported by unseen forces. This remarkable little practice brings everything closer - pulling it from the real of potential into the realm of intention and possibility.The More of This List turns this: ....... Into this, which was on last year's list and bloomed this summer ...
...... Which feeds my enthusiasm for this: My new and current More of This list)And powers this: the Vision Board that I make on New Year's Eve. :)---And all of this leads to, you know: Total bliss - and/or a well-balanced life that's moving in that direction.That's why I'd love to see YOUR More of This, List.You can share it in the comments section below or write a post about your list and tell us the link!Happy listing!xxoo~ Amy