On 9/11: Choose toward love

9/11 is a good day to remind ourselves to choose toward love - to turn our thoughts toward the world we want to live in, and to visualize that world with all of our hearts.9/11 is a good day to ask God and the angels to help us create that world - and then, to focus our thoughts, deeds and intentions on love.In this way, when we think about the precious lives that were lost, we can open our hearts instead of closing them off.In this way, instead of seeking revenge or blaming or marginalizing any one group, we begin to build the kind of world that we, that I, want to live in: A world of love, peace, hope and the kind of security that is born out of trust and faith that, for the most part, the world is good.From a spiritual perspective, we see that turning hate or blame or darkness toward another only increases it in our own life, and in the world.What I mean is: We will not create a safer, more loving world with hate.We don't allow ourselves to be drawn into nonsense, to be baited into hating the 'haters' - for this only makes haters of us.Worst of all, it does nothing to heal the world or turn it toward peace.From a spiritual perspective, we understand that the only way to create a world of peace, is the cultivate peace in ourselves.We choose toward love. And by love I am not talking about loving the people who do horrible things as if they were our best friends.I am talking about loving All Of Creation with the same kind of love that God has for us - an infinite and unswerving and impersonal love.The kind of love that swells within our own hearts when we witness the suffering of another. The pure impulse to reach out, to embrace, to help.Real love, true love, opens our hearts without closing our minds.When we resonate with this kind of love, we don't just understand that we are not alone - we KNOW it. We see that we never have been alone, that the world is flooded with light, and that, the best way to make the scary stuff go away is by firmly, clearly, with the ferocity of the warrior, insisting on turning our attention to the light.Today, I am visualizing those lost in 9/11 sitting with God. I see them there, along with the tens of thousands of other souls we have lost to other conflicts, other disasters - manmade and natural - and all of them surrounded by angels - sitting and beaming love toward the Earth.I am holding their families in prayer - in my heart. I am not forgetting them - and still, I am choosing toward love.Because I know that from that perspective, from their perspective, love is the only choice there is.


Translating light to life


On writing and also, an encounter with the fire goddess