Amy Oscar

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There is only one question, only one choice.

At every edge you encounter,  at the boundary of every cell wall in your body, at the edge of every universe in which you operate, at the beginning, middle and end of every story in which you are a character, there is only one question: How will I meet this?There are two ways to answer this question:1) I will meet this as love, meeting love.2) I will meet this as fear, meeting fear.It's up to you.In order to choose your answer, you may find yourself on a journey.And that will be fun.You will meet many teachers, bearing gifts of light, encouragement and sustenance.You'll acquire new strengths, new skills.You may come to a dark wood or a dark night where you may need to wrestle with a dragon or a demon or an angel.Eventually, you will triumph.Oh, you will, my love. I promise - even if you must return more than once to face this foe.You will overcome whatever it is that has troubled you in the dark, and you will walk, weary but triumphant, back home.And there, resting and feasting, you will celebrate until,the next morning,while waking renewed,you will see how it is -how ever it was and will be:how you chose this path and will choose it again.And how will you meet THIS?