Packets of knowing

The Flow Notebooks: Part TwoThe flow sends "packets" to everyone all the time. These packets contain information that you have called for - new understanding delivered through story, imagery and experience which you receive holographically - like a ball of light - and truth, delivered straight to your consciousness (and heart).When you receive a download, it is also available to anyone else who is calling for it - everyone who is asking these questions is responded to. Some downloads arrive in response to questions we don't even know we're asking - some of these questions are asked collectively. Like after the events of 9/11, the whole world began asking: What's going on? What is happening to the world of love?The function of teachers is to awaken and help make conscious what will feel to most people like a dream.

A note on 'packets' (downloads of guidance)Though we receive these images as one transmission - they are so dense and rich that it is virtually impossible to unpack them at first. To get a sense of this: Imagine  that you've never cooked. Never stirred a sauce in a saute pan, never used a recipe, never turned on a stove or sprinkled spices over a soup or stew. Now imagine that one morning, as you wake up: you are given a sudden, complete, holographic awareness of everything you need to know about cooking. Instantly, you get it: you can see and understand the tools and temperatures, ingredients and measures that you need to coordinate the almost magical aromas, textures, and flavors chefs (and home cooks) know. And all of it was delivered to you in one ball of light which somehow, instantly, penetrated and integrated through your entire being - resonating and vibrating through your every cell.That's what these downloads are like.They feel illuminated, important and completely real.

This is the time of many voices, many teachers. The time when the huge megalithic forms are breaking down and new wider, smoother channels are opening. Pathways, chutes, slides through which the flow can flow ever more smoothly. It will be easier for you to live. It will make more sense. It will be better, we promise.It's the time of personal tribe -building; the end of the mega-celebrity. Your groups will be smaller and more intimate, allowing you more direct contact with the people you influence. Your pod will gather to work with you - as they circle around, they will pulse influence to their tribes. Each of you is an energy fractal, each influences a circle. Simple as breathing - you influence each other. Breath, heart beat, entrainment. You seek (reach) and find (connect); you test and inquire, eventually, you let the new idea or story or capacity settle in. your energy attracts others (like attracts like)and you form clusters.this is how all things form - clustering, entraining rhythmically, aligning to the one song (the highest frequency) which connects us all. Each circle shares energy for a time, each cell supports the tissue, each sphere supports the honeycomb pattern, until, inevitably, expansion eases open these bonds and the pattern breaks apart, and the particles are swept off into the flow to reconvene in another cluster, another time, in another corner of the world.They show me images of the world:- the record industry falling apart, a room full of vinyl albums shrinking down to a pocket-sized MP3 player - and new bands liberated to sell their work online and directly to fans- the book publishing industry coming apart, power shifting from elite editors to authors- art and information flow into the creative commons, more and more people have access to the tools they need to build the world their way, the world shifts.- uprisings around the world  toppling regimes; governments falling apart, people shifting and reorganizing the ways in which we govern ourselvesThings come together. Things fall apart. Things come together again. This is the way of the flow.I realize/sense that we are coming to the end of a phase of my 'education'. My guides speak to me directly now:Resist the need to make of this a science. Resist your need to prove this. you sense how it is, how it works. Let yourself know it and speak it. The scientists in your circle will pick it up and they will test it. This is their call. You are the bridge builder. Let the flow flow.Part ThreeCollective scar tissueThere is a piece of collective scar tissue which all humanity shares - until you awaken. This scar tissue arose from a misunderstanding - a break in the flow of what is real/true - which created the illusion that you are separate from flow, from love.Over time, as you bump up against this belief, scar tissue forms - and it begins to build a barrier, like a callous. If this belief/scar is particularly strong in you, it will animate/show itself whenever you attempt to activate more flow. You may experience a kind of 'wall' that feels like it's holding you back from joy, from growth, from your own power.This wall - and the belief out of which it forms - is not real. It is experienced by the flow, as a foreign body because it is fear-based - and the flow is only love.  When anyone, anywhere, experiences such a break in the flow of love, the flow calls for healing. Right now, as so many people call for a release from this scar, the response (the healing) is increasingly powerful.At the beginning of this phase, we sent you this image: the one/many standing and rising from a chair.  (My book, Sea of Miracles and later, The Soul Caller Training, were 'unpacked' from this one image. Every human being on Earth also received that image - and that this is why there is so much 'rising' going on across the planet. That image was so powerful because it contained a kind of holographic healing - you might say, a seed of healing - delivered in a holographic packet: a truth -  that there is no barrier, no wall, nothing is holding you down. There is only flow - only love.You are free.The collective scar that holds you in the chair is healing - as more and more of you rise, the wall will give way. The 'wall' that held you in the chair of powerlessness for so long was fear - arising from a false belief: that you are separate from the flow.This collective misunderstanding is healing now. It was a psycho-spiritual wound (a blockage in the flow of love) which, for a time, all humanity shared. These wounds arise as you test your relationship with the flow - as you get to know what is real.You are finished with this wound now (and with the powerlessness it creates: fear of authority, which causes you to react in fear - and to grant the power of your choices to others, in exchange for the promise that the others will protect you.This is why you are rising. You are awakening to the truth that you are the one - the only one -  who holds your power.


A second cup for me


You were made for this