I receive a great deal of guidance through dreams. Sometimes, lately, I sense that this guidance is for all of us. I dreamed of a mall with many floors with all kinds of diversions and distractions: Rides, incredible restaurants, they even had a wave pool, undulating and rolling in the basement. There was opulent shopping, and performers juggling live animals and a fire-breather. There were restaurants with moody atmosphere - elaborately tempting food and drink - one particular glow-in-the-dark frozen drink tempted me for a moment. But I had to press on, I kept moving through.I must find the door, I kept telling people. I am looking for the way out.In the dream, I was driven by a vision: The image of the rain forest tumbling; the trees being sawed into circles and examined - people were counting the rings and sighing. "There isn't much time," a woman said to the man who crouched with her beside the fallen trees.My heart was breaking.I woke with a question and a slew of images: What if it were true that if you don’t do the one thing you were meant to do, no one else will do it? What if the one thing you were meant to do - even if it seems simple or trivial or not that important - was the link in a chain of activity upon which the entire fabric of the universe depends?Here's the message that arose from this dream:If you don't. . .Paint the portrait.  Shoot the movie. Have the baby. Leave the marriage. Raise organic chickens. Fight the fire. Solve the puzzle. Heal your body. Walk the Camino. Write the letter. Give her a call. Attend the audition. Clean up the oil spill.  Give him another chance to explainIf you don't...Make the donation. Sing. Train for the marathon. Open the E-store. Recycle your plastic. Ride your bicycle to work.  Write the love poem. Earn the diploma. Make the journey. Say you're sorry. Study that thing you're so curious about.If you don't ...Purchase the painting. Invest in what you believe in. Listen to the elderly. Hold the babies. Take the month off. Make the effort. Teach the children. Give up the thing. Begin the thing....... who will?

What if the thing that your soul is pushing and urging and aching for you to do, is the one thing that's needed to shift the world toward balance, toward light? What if THAT'S why you're being guided, so strongly, to do it?

What if the fate of the entire world rests in you?It does - it does - it does . . .Who else is going to do it - your thing, your part, your dream? Who else is going to love it into being the way that you would, if you only would?Oh, help!Add your voice, your talent, your idea, your words, your color, your music, your dance to the collective There's so much power there - in the coming together of energy, interest, activity, intention and prayer.Your energetic 'vote' counts; your physical action counts; your willingness to get up and try again counts most of all.Inspire each otherYour muses, your guides, your angels are constantly guiding you to do or not do the things that will keep you on your chosen path; the things that will lead you to the moment when you place your piece into place in the puzzle of life.You are not meant to be a watcher . . . you were born to be a doer.You are not meant to let other people do the living for you: to dance with the stars, explore dessert islands, diagnose illnesses, solve crimes, fall into and out of love while you sit on the couch and eat take out pizza.If you are touched by what is going on in the Gulf, in the Middle East, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Africa - and do nothing about it, you are ignoring guidance. That news show you caught as you walked in after work, that headline on the newspaper, that feeling in your gut when you read it, when you heard about it - that was guidance.This dream was for me, too.When I watch PBS specials about the loss of the rain forests, the oceans, the ice caps, I get so sad tears fill my eyes. Do I do anything? Not yet. But after this dream, I understand that I must.Rilke said, "What we call fate does not come into us from the outside, but emerges from us."You are not meant to be fat and bored and desperate . . . to molder in a dead and empty relationshipto live in a town that you hateto continue to do a mind-numbing, soul-killing job just because you are afraid that you don't have what it takes to do anything else.You are meant to shine. And you know it.I know you're afraid. But doing one little thing - one small step - at a time can make all the difference. Imagine if you wanted to walk ten miles but you only had a minute each day. A few small steps each day bring you closer. In a week, you're closer stil..The things we're guided to do are this simple. A switch of diet, a change in routine. Maybe it’s taking a walk around the block each morning or switching your breakfast of choice from a donut to a piece of fruit. Even if we're guided to build a skyscraper, that building will be made one brick, one screw, one sheet of glass at a time.Begin.You already know what your one thing is. You know because you’ve been guided – are being guided- constantly by the small, still voice within that urges: Get up. Show up. Try.Do your one thing. It’s okay to be afraid. The fear will go away when you show up. You will take the first step and the Universe will take the next one. I promise.Get up. Show up. Begin again.If not you, who? If not now, when?You can save the world.You.YOU are the one you are waiting for – YOU are the savior – you. Do the work. Bt the one you are called to be: Be the lover, the doctor, the mother, the lawyer, the activist, the politician, the chef, the fitness instructor, the inventor, the peacemaker, the university professor, the publisher, the artist, the street vendor, the language arts teacher, the college student, the dancer, the author, the Jurist, the General, the screenwriter, the hero. YOU.Don’t let you down.It matters that you live. The universe is a living, breathing organism - always seeking balance. By following guidance and doing your work, one step - one brick - at a time, you will save the world.This morning my dream showed me, God showed me, “The fate of the entire world rests with you. And you know it. Eat the right thing. Do the right thing. Deal with your issues. Live so that all may live.”


Audio: Find your pond


The Suck