Q & A: Scar tissue in the energetic field of the heart

Q: Can you help me to clarify what you mean by 'scar tissue' in the heart?Sometimes, when working with a client, I perceive what I call 'scar tissue' in the energetic field of the heart. This appears, to me, as empty or energetically 'flat' areas - I sense it as if something is missing which should be there.I have come to understand that  these areas are like scars, left on the heart by experiences which have hurt, humiliated or frightened us away from the natural openhearted state in which we can freely flow energy.It's as if there's a barrier - an energetic "KEEP OUT SIGN" guarding that area of the heart. I sense that it is the mind that has done this, in an attempt to shield that area, that wound, from being hurt again. And so healing this kind of 'wound' requires a conversation between the heart and the mind.When the mind understands that it's efforts to protect us from pain and the loss of love have isolated a part of us away from love, it opens - and this allows the heart to open, too, and the painful feelings hidden in the scar tissue are released and cleared away. You see, we are made of love - every part of us is flowing love - even the scar tissue. Though we may feel stuck or frozen, every part of us is sending out a pulse of love - calling to be reunited with love, which is what healing is: the reintegration of lost parts of ourself back into love.As it pulses, it rubs up against the scar tissue, creating inflammation: feelings of shame, blame, rage and self-loathing.  That bit of light, buried beneath the veil of scar tissue, bothers you, whispering shadow stories about your not-good-enoughness, your brokenness, your unworthiness.For most people, the first response to this 'soul inflammation' is to numb it down with distraction or addiction. But inevitably, eventually, the scar tissue becomes inflamed enough to cause pain.We can no longer ignore it - and we turn to address it.When addressed in light - through therapy, energetic healing and awareness - the scar tissue will begin to show itself. Buried emotions, memories and stories will bubble up, asking to be healed.The key to this healing is forgiveness. Not forgiveness of those who may have done us harm (though that, too, may occur). This forgiveness is wider, deeper.We let go of (forgive) the idea that things should have been different.They shouldn't have. How do we know this? We look at what is. This is what happened so this is what 'should have' happened.We let go of (forgive) the idea that we, or any part of us, or of creation, is separate from the wholeness, from love.For this is not possible.We forgive the world for its imperfection.... and when we do, we see that life is a flow, including all things, that which we call good; that which we call bad. It is what it is.Gently, easily, your scar tissue softens and falls away, and the flow of all that you have hidden, all that you truly are, is liberated into the light - and available to you in present time.


Happy Mother's Day beautiful woman!


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