What if you... set down your story

What if you let go of that story? The one where you did something wrong-took a wrong turn, didn't follow through, let yourself or someone else down.The one where you broke a heart or kept silent when someone was being hurt or humiliated. The one where you didn't say yes. The one where you didn't say no. You know the story.What if you let it go-if you just set it down right here by the side of the road? Stopped carrying it. Stopped talking about it. Stopped going back and reviewing it, wondering how your life might be different if you hadn't done it.What if you set yourself free? How might your life change today?Tomorrow? The day after that?You can't go back and make that moment-that mistake or bad choice- not have happened. But you can stop bringing it into today. Set down your story and see what happens.


What if you... didn't have to know what anything means or what will happen next


From the archive: Diner in Ramsey, New Jersey