Amy Oscar

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Build a call and response bridge to the angels

Rainbow bridgeYour angels - and the spirits of the physical and non-physical world - WANT to be in relationship with you.

When you're feeling strong emotion or puzzling out a question, your energy becomes more animated and the angels move closer, sending you signs and inspiration. When you pay attention to these signs - which acknowledges their presence - the signs (and the guidance) clarify and deepen, and more signs come.In this way, you develop a relationship - a call and response relationship - with guidance.As you do, you will see that the non-physical world is always communicating with you - and that you are in constant conversation with your angels.You call - with prayers, longings, and curiosity;  the angels - and the world - respond. When that response comes - and it always does (as intuitive glimmers, gut feelings and physical signs) - notice it. Respond to it.Bless it by including it in what you see and know to be real. This delights the angels, encouraging them to engage with you even more! Together, you and the angels build a bridge of connection through which more and more guidance - and relationship - can flow.

This week's Soul Call:

Track the guidance you receive in a Guidance Journal. Do this every day. When you feel doubtful, open your Guidance Journal and use it as a book of evidence. Let it become a living record of the very real, physical presence of the angels in your life