Amy Oscar

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Soul Calling: Your Way of Radiance

People often ask me. “How do I know what I'm supposed to do?”"You're doing it," I tell them. That's the crazy thing about mission, about purpose - the soul is constantly calling and we are living our purpose every single day. It has nothing to do with what job we have, what we wear or whether or not we have figured out our 'brand.'You can't help but live your purpose - even if you try not to. You can't help but respond to the call of your soul.How to detect your soul calling and live your life on purpose1) Ask yourself: What do I love?Look for the things you love doing, the kinds of people you love to be with, the stories - books, films, TV shows - you've loved.What places have you loved? What kinds of clothes? What foods do you most enjoy? These are the clues to your happiness. And your happiness - your pleasure - your enJOYment is a clue that you're on the right track to your purpose.You see, the gods set things up so you could be happy. God (the gods, the universe) wants you to be happy. Why? Because that's how God (the gods, the universe) experiences happiness - through you.2) Ask yourself: How can I get more of that?How can I do more of that, eat more of that, meet more people like that? What changes would I have to make in my life to attract, create, build, collect more of the things, people and experiences that I love?3) Then, Choose toward loveEach time an opportunity arises to go somewhere, to buy something or to put something in your mouth, ask yourself: Does this choice bring me closer to or farther from the things, experiences and people that I love?

Make every choice TOWARD love.

In this way, one choice at a time, you begin to develop your life consciously - you begin to live on purpose, you begin to live your life as one gesture, toward the things, experiences and people that YOU love.And that's a wonderful way to live.