Say a Soul Prayer

Soul prayer releases the ‘how’ of the situation to the angels’ wisdom. instead of praying for a particular outcome — Please make John love me; Please don’t let Patrick die, we acknowledge that we have no authority over the lives or choices of others. We surrender our worry, our need to control the exact way things will work out to divine order, asking that the situation resolve itself for the greatest good for all involved.In this way, you may not receive the exact result for which you pray — the life may not be saved, the house or the job may be lost for- ever; the relationship may not work out as you’d hoped it would. But something else will come. The angels are able to deliver an outcome more amazing and delightful than anything you could imagine.Trusting that the Universe was designed to respond to your call —and that the angels have your welfare in mind—you say a soul prayer: Bring me peace with what comes, and until it comes, peace with what is. You say it in full faith that things can and will get better.Working with Soul PrayerInstead of asking for a certain person to love you, ask:Please increase my experience of love itself; bring more love into my life; bring to me the people, and experiences, that will open my heartInstead of praying for a specific job, ask:Please bring to me the opportunities where i can use my unique gifts and talents; lead me to the situations and experiences that encourage me to be of service while also receiving the money and resources i need to be happy.Instead of asking for money:Ask for the outcome that you hope that having the money would bring by asking: Please resolve this situation in the best way for all involved. now, instead of delivering cash, the angels may deliver household appliances, dissolve old debts, and coordinate situations that we, from our limited perspective could not have dreamed of.Instead of asking: Why is this happening to me? ask:Take this problem/situation/mess from me now. Guide me to the choices and actions that will improve my situation. I am being guided to the choices and actions that will lead me into the light.Instead of asking: Why can’t I ever catch a break? ask:Open new opportunities for me now. Guide me to the people and situations that can best utilize, support and appreciate the gifts I have to offer. I know that from now on, every choice I make is an opportunity to change my life for the better.Instead of asking: Why is my life so messed up? ask:Clear the negative energy from my life, from my thoughts and emotions now. I release this situation to your hands, know- ing that you, who can do anything, can easily untangle this situation, delivering an outcome that serves the highest good for all involved.Instead of asking: Why don’t my relationships work out?Try a soul prayer: Guide me now to the people and situations that resonate with and bring out my greatest joy and self-expression. Guide me to the people who love me as I am.Finally, be gentle with yourself.Give yourself time to shift from old patterns of thinking and praying. You’ve been practicing those patterns for a long time. So it may take a bit of repetition to set a new thought/prayer permanently into place. Simply adjust, ask again and let it go.~ Excerpted from my book, Sea of Miracles: An invitation into the light.


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