The "I Am" lives in the heart

The "I Am" lives in the heart — not in the mind. The I Am is not logical, not rational. Neither is it irrational. The I Am uses a completely different kind of reasoning than the mind — a soul logic, out of which it makes choices that ‘feel’ right.When we are in touch with the I Am we are not figuring things out. Instead, we are feeling our way. You might say that when we are in touch with the I Am we are thinking with the heart.The I Am is always present, illuminating the deep cavern of the self, no matter what. Even when things feel like they’re spinning out of control, still the I Am is there, solid, strong, constant. it’s a deep well of peace — a glowing chip of the divine.The I Am is a refuge, a haven, an oasis of deep sanctuary — and you don’t have to travel to find it. It is right inside of you.


The writing that needs to happen


We are all meant to hold space for love and light