Amy Oscar

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The "I Am" lives in the heart

The "I Am" lives in the heart — not in the mind. The I Am is not logical, not rational. Neither is it irrational. The I Am uses a completely different kind of reasoning than the mind — a soul logic, out of which it makes choices that ‘feel’ right.When we are in touch with the I Am we are not figuring things out. Instead, we are feeling our way. You might say that when we are in touch with the I Am we are thinking with the heart.The I Am is always present, illuminating the deep cavern of the self, no matter what. Even when things feel like they’re spinning out of control, still the I Am is there, solid, strong, constant. it’s a deep well of peace — a glowing chip of the divine.The I Am is a refuge, a haven, an oasis of deep sanctuary — and you don’t have to travel to find it. It is right inside of you.