The puzzle is not real. The pieces are just stories.

I am amazed by the power of what is moving through the world - and how it's affecting people... how it's affecting me.I feel swept into the current of some oceanic rip tide - far from the familiar shore of myself. I feel as if I am being reorganized molecule by molecule: dissolved and rebuilt, and then dissolved again.It's disorienting and alarming - and yet, I am finding the whole thing profoundly beautiful. As if I am watching myself being tossed around inside this cosmic spin cycle from a cloud - a loving mother looking down upon her beloved child.All of this finds me humbled - and often overwhelmed. All of my ideas of myself and what I am and what my life is for scattered like pieces of a puzzle that I no longer feel the need to reassemble.And yet, I can also see that the puzzle is not real. The pieces are just stories. For out of this dissolving and scattering, there is the most remarkable emergence: a sense of myself which feels grounded and more REAL than I have ever felt before.It's as if I'm being driven toward the core of myself - driven in the way that waves press us backward from the shores of ourselves - backward and inward - until we are up against the very edge of our willingness. Until we are up against the walls that keep us from falling into the deep dark places where our pretending and posturing, cleverness and story-telling no longer work.Until finally, with no choice but to stand and face what is here, we find the courage and the clarity to see ourselves for what we are.And what are we?Here at the core of this, as the illusion collapses, I see that it is me that makes it into a puzzle. It's me that designs the pieces. I see that the guidance has always been here and that sometimes, I've followed it but often, when the guidance didn't suit my idea of what was good for me, I'd just ignore it, cherry picking the guidance which kept me in cafe lunches and plump comfort.I'm wondering how much of this is 'my' journey, my own personal unfolding and how much of it is being experienced collectively. I'm wondering, how is this passage feeling to you?


You and the light belong to each other.


Every moment is a threshold to the rest of your life.