Amy Oscar

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There are no 'parts' of you.

There are no parts of you. So often when I am speaking with a client, they use the phrase, "A part of me believes..." or "Part of me feels... "I've come to understand that we use this trick of language to separate ourselves from what we actually believe or feel - or, more often, what we KNOW. We separate because we don't yet feel fully 'in our feet' - in our power.Returning to the center of the self, discerning the true voice of guidance, standing in truth - this is the goal of all spiritual practice. So we want to be working that practice every day - in all things. We want to stop separating our lives into fragments - and our selves into pieces.We discover that those 'parts' of ourselves are guidance - expressions of the wholeness of who and what we are.The truth is - every moment of your life is your life. Every 'part of you' is you.