This is Soul Caller World: A kind of elevator speech

Last night, at a family gathering, two of my sisters-in-law asked me, “What do you do anyway? Do you make any money doing it? Where do you do it?”I have never enjoyed this question but last night (maybe it was the wine) I leaned into answering from an open heart.Instead of a pre-prepared elevator speech, I felt inside of my heart and looked around, asking myself, Hmmm… What do I do? Let’s see.I started with the obvious. “I gather groups together,” I told them, “I work on Facebook and Zoom and in live circles - retreats and workshops. We close our eyes, imagine ourselves moving through space and time, listening to the voice of wisdom inside of ourselves.”“Oh,” my sister in law said. “So it’s a kind of mind yoga?”“Ah, yes,” I said. “That’s close enough.” And the conversation moved to other things.But this morning, as I woke up, I found myself thinking, ‘Mind yoga’ is not nearly a wide enough name for what I do, what WE do in Soul Caller world.As we gather around the Soul Caller campfire, we close our eyes and breathe together. We settle the body. We shift our attention away from the busyness of day-to-day life into the spacious silence of the other life that we are living, the one we find waiting when we close our eyes.There, guided by my voice, we journey together. Across imaginal boundaries, exploring swampland, cave and cove. As we travel through our own depths, we do not travel alone. We are dreaming together. Tbis is deep psycho-spiritual work (learning to navigate inner space) and there are elements of shamanism (dreaming while awake, conversing with nature spirits, ancestors and angels, journeying through the rooms of the house of self).This work is not imaginary - it’s imaginal. The difference matters.Here, we are not merely envisioning a story, we are not passively watching a movie, we are not following programmed steps of a videogame, we are participating - actively engaging our own inner wisdom keepers - the visionary, the healer, the guide, and more.This helps us to develop a new sense of what we are and what we are capable, building an inner resiliency and real skills which cross over into our waking life, helping us navigate real situations - at work, at home, in our community.What we do in Soul Caller world is a bit like dreaming, and a bit like poetry: symbols emerge and guides, whispering wisdom. Impenetrable walls crumble into stones that we can use to build foundations for new structures. Stones dissolve into sand, which we melt into glass. Glass becomes windows. We peer outside. a new landscape stretches before us. There, in the distance, a bridge beckons: Come, cross into a new land.This is the real work that we do. Curious?Learn about Illuminated Conversation, my one-on-one sessions.Learn about The Soul Caller LAB, my one-month intensives.Learn about The Soul Caller Training.Read about me, my background, credentials and personal back story.

Video: When you are feeling overwhelmed by the state of the world


You are not one of four 'clairs': you are a layered wholeness, multidimensional, infinite, expansive