Amy Oscar

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The dream about the thread of light at the center of your forehead

Last night, I dreamed that the angels were showing me something.They do this sometimes - sending me a dream (like a video tutorial) to demonstrate a principle that I'm wrestling with while I'm awake.

The angels showed me a thread of light - and it was spinning itself from me, from my forehead, the way that silk spins from a spider. (They showed me there are other threads but this was about the thread of light - of attention -  which spins from the forehead.)This thread of light was strong and bright, a rope which spun out and out into the vast and infinite all there is before me.The angels demonstrated the way that I was splitting the one thread into two. How I let my 'thread' (which I now understood was my attention) be shifted from me by distractions.They showed me what distraction really means - a splitting of awareness from the focal point we choose - onto a focal point someone else has made to capture (and shift) our attention.These distractions, focal points like social media or a really great TV show or a political argument or some gossip-saturated juiciness that pops across the screen of my computer or grabs at my attention from the radio or the headline of a magazine or newspaper, is a grab.It's a grab, the angels showed me, for the most precious thing there is, my attention.Can you see this? they asked me.

Can you see that your attention is the most powerful resource in the universe?

Can you?See this?They showed me WHY my attention shifts, how I have been trained to believe that by paying attention to this OTHER focal point I will get something I need - some power which I need and cannot get myself.Can you see? the angels asked me, how

these grabs for your attention are traps, subtle attempts to shift your power to them

?Can you see? they showed me, that

the power that you seek with your roving eye is not outside of you. 

The power is here, in returning the split threads to the one thread.Returning your split attention to wholeness.Returning what you thought was powerless to power.Returning what you thought was fragmented and separate to love.Then, they showed me, then, with warm-hearted invitation, that I could ask them - at any time, all day - to help me.I could ask, think or pray:

Please help me. I feel split. Help me to return to love. Help me put the two threads back into one.