Amy Oscar

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To change everything, change only one thing

Stop. Check in. What are you focused upon? A crazy deadline? A hassle? Another person's annoying you-know-what? This is the invitation - the moment when all of that spiritual work you've done can make a difference.This is where your life begins to change.Stop. Breathe - and come inside.(I know you think you don't have time for this, my love. But you do - I promise. And doing this will demonstrate that there is always time for this.)Come inside. Breathe.Breathe until you find the center of your own heart. Sit there, breathing until you are settled and quiet.Notice how you feel. Notice that all it took was a moment, a minute or two of stillness - a simple shift of attention.That's all it ever takes.To change everything, change only one thing: the gaze of your own attention. To change your life -today, tomorrow, in any situation - simply turn your attention (and your heart) toward peace, toward stillness, toward love.