Trust and flow.

Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 9.50.59 PMWhen you lean into the support that is animating, nourishing and supporting the world, you discover that you, too, are blessed - and supported.Exhale into this. Take the risk of trusting the full weight of your body, your mind, your life to the pulse of love flowing into and over and under all things.Lean in and let the flow show you what it can do - how it loves you and wants to be in relationship with you. WITH you. See how it infuses each blade of grass and every bud on every tree. The way that, every moment, your every breath is met with oxygen, your every step is met with soil and stone.See how this love stays, day after day, season after season.Let yourself experience this support, this bright pulse, this love.There is enough for you - the force that flow for all of these - and more. There is enough flow for you.Lean in and let it support you, lean in and let the flow guide you. Lean in and know the comfortable grace of the flow.


Ride the energy: Waves of power and possibility

