Welcome to a new world, a new age!

If you were even a little concerned that the world might end on 12/12/12,  know this: the Mayan calendar did not predict the end of the world. It marked the end of what the Maya refer to as 'the fourth world' and the beginning of 'the fifth world.'With all the fuss about doomsday, we lose the truly miraculous and beautiful truth of this transition: In any tradition that tracks the events of the cosmic realm - the movement of planetary bodies through space - this is a remarkable time.On 12/21/12, the sun was almost perfectly aligned with the plane of the Milky Way galaxy. The Mayan calendar was remarkably accurate in its prediction of the alignment of every planet in our solar system -  an event that happens only once every 26,000 years. Even if you don't believe in astrology at all, this is a remarkable thing.It's transformational. In simplest terms, our planet has been (and still is) moving through a kind of cosmic birth canal at the center of the milky way galaxy - from the womb of the Great Mother, into a new age.As a result, everything you know about being a human being is changing. Your awareness of this is growing every day. That’s one of the things that led you here, to this blog, to this conversation, which is taking place everywhere, right before our eyes.The new human being is constantly forming right beside you. It’s an energetic companion. Like the Daimon, whispering in the ear of the Greeks, the higher self - hovering just inside and around every human being. This ‘new human being’ has always been here, in potential. Today, now, here - you and I and everyone we know are going to bring it into form - together."I have a hope that there is another way to be in this world," says Charlie Kaufman,the  award-winning screenwriter of Adaptation in this beautiful video. Let it help you understand what is already, organically, changing in you and in the world.Welcome to a new world, a new age, a new year - and every single day, a new you! Today is a day for dreaming up a new world. What world will you co-create, now that the old one is gone?PS Here's a little something to help you enjoy the next world. Rules for a Good Life Poster


"Everyone suffers. You can't give up."


The mind cannot interpret the heart's logic.